JFLF’s Welding Awards Program

JFLF’s Welding Awards Program supports arc welding education, design and innovation at every educational level, from 4H to high school to college level. We also recognize welding excellence of instructors who teach welding and professional welders who work hard to further the scientific interest and advancement of arc welding. Recognizing both welding projects and technical papers, our welding awards program rewards the emerging welders of today and advances the field of welding for the welders of tomorrow.

Arc welding project submissions are open to all students 18 and younger who are enrolled in any school or training program. Students may submit written reports about the welding projects they have completed. The welding project may be a structure, a repair or an item made for home, farm, shop or recreational use. Students can submit a solo welding project, or work with a team of fellow students (five maximum, with instructor approval). Division I entries are first judged by region and then become eligible for national awards.
