Scholarship For Women In STEM

TruthFinder is a San Diego-based technology company that specializes in making online public records accessible to all Americans.

TruthFinder has been committed to giving back to the next generation of thought-leaders and entrepreneurs. In 2019, we launched our TruthFinder Women in STEM scholarship where we awarded $2,500 to one scholarship winner. We’ve also participated in the national Hour of Code by sending volunteers to a local high school to teach coding to 9th graders.

We’ve hosted an all-girl field trip in which 42 students met with our female developers to discuss careers in STEM, along with a discussion about how to find space in a male-dominated tech world. We also donated seven Spheros Robots to a third-grade classroom at a local elementary school. The students learned how to develop code to animate the robots.

In short, TruthFinder was built by people who love what they do. So, we’re paying it forward by offering a scholarship to eligible candidates!
