HURT 911 injury care offers the optimal solution for injuries sustained in an accident, providing comprehensive management of treatment and legal claims to secure the most favorable results. The team at HURT 911 is dedicated to preventing years of lingering pain, expediting your recovery, and securing the highest compensation for injury-related pain and suffering.
Who Should Apply
This award seeks students with diverse backgrounds of race, ethnicity or faith, obtain the degree of their choice from any eligible college, university, graduate school, or law school. Applicants are encouraged to apply in fields in which they have traditionally been underrepresented: science, math, engineering, technology, business, and law. Applicants must be enrolled in or committed to attend a college, university, or professional school during the current calendar year in which they applied for the scholarship. Applicants must be U.S. citizens at the time of their application. Applicants should not be immediate family members of employees of 1-800-Hurt911.
